
Is My Kid Learning Enough?

How do I know if my child is learning enough?

How do I keep on track with the Texas Education Agency requirements?

What if I may put my child back in public school and need them to stay on grade level?

I’ve tried three things.

  • First, was the hard way.  Print off the TEA pdf and extract the information.  If you loooove reading that kind of thing, go here ( )  It’s listed by subject or by grade.
  • Second, as part of K12’s 5th grade, they used Study  It give practice exercises and a type of testing.  It also provides a TEA styled report card.  This is an excellent resource if you are putting your child back in public at a later time.
  • Third, we came across a free resource called   It basically takes that TEA pdf and turns it into a bulleted list by grade.  Awesome!  It shows you a sample question for each bullet.  You can also pay for tracking.

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