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Finding God, Especially When You’re Young

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I have something really weighty that I want to share with you. You’re young. You’re starting out as an adult on your own, and it’s going to be life changing for you. If you already, at your young age, will begin to set your focus upon the Lord, it is so easy to think that it’s okay. You’re doing good. You’re living a comfortable life.

Things are going well. You’re in college and it’s super easy to forget how much you need him. But I promise you, there is no better place that you can be. And the center of his will and the way that you stay there is that you read the word. Read the Scripture. Read the Bible several times a week. But if you would read it at least 2 or 3 times a week, you will be able to hear the voice of God better.

It’s like you have a radio in your spirit and in a radio you have a crystal that is tuned to a certain frequency. And when you turn the dirt, the dial, the knob, it gets fuzzy and it gets clear until you dial it in and find just the right thing for the space that you’re in.

Walking. Following Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is a lot like that. You have got to tune your spirit to his frequency to hear what he’s saying and where he’s going. Otherwise, he might stop and you don’t hear him or see him stop because your eyes are on him. So I’m asking you, I am imploring you, keep your eyes on the father so that you can see what he’s doing.

And the only way you’re going to hear him is if you were in the word on a regular basis. And I implore you to also pray on a regular basis, not just throw your request to heaven, but talk at God. Yes, but sit still and listen. Give yourself space to hear so that he can talk to you. Now you’re not always going to hear him.

You’re not usually going to hear him. In an audible voice. It gets easier and easier as time goes on. But. But I want all of you to know. I want you to know there are different personality types and there are different callings by God. And you will hear God differently in different seasons. So you must not walk in condemnation because your mother or your friend or your dad or your brother hears God differently than you do.

If you are very concrete literal, you may not hear him. You will not hear him the way that an a very emotional person sees him. If you are left brain and you think and you think in in logic and workbooks and textbooks and formulas, you’re not going to hear him like an emotional person is, or a creative right brain person is who may see him in pictures, in colors, or hear songs.

But I promise you’ll hear him and he’ll talk to you in a way that you will understand and remember that it changes from season to season. You’ll hear him very clearly at some seasons, and at other times he pulls back to see if you will trust. You will hold still and you will follow. So if you can’t hear God right now, the first thing I want you to do, if you don’t know Jesus Christ is your Savior.

I want you to stop. And I want you to invite him into your heart, into your life, to be your Savior from your sins, to save you from your shortcomings, and to be the boss of your life. What they call your Lord. And if you have done that and you still cannot hear the voice of God, then are you doing those things?

Are you reading scripture and are you praying to him? And are you listening? And if you haven’t done that, then I would ask you, are you walking outside of his protective umbrella? And what that looks like is you’re walking in what we call sin. Are you looking at pornography? Are you cheating on your tests? Are you. Are you still in time at work?

Anything that falls short of the perfection of God is what we call missing the mark. It’s what the word is interpreted sin. But it’s an archery term. So those things can prevent you from hearing the voice of God. And it’s a simple repentance, which means to turn away and go in the opposite direction. So if you cannot hear God, ask him, God, am I doing something that means I can’t?

That makes me not be able to hear you? Am I not contributing to not being able to hear your voice? It might be unbelief. My husband had a time where he never heard God answer his prayers, and God brought it to his mind and to his attention that he truly believed he could not hear God, and that God would not answer his prayers.

That’s called a personal vow. And if you believe that you are making it true and you need to reject it, you need to cancel its power over your life simply just like that in prayer. God, I reject that lie. I cancel its power over me right now by the power of the blood of Jesus. I accept your forgiveness for believing a lie.

Daddy, would you teach me the truth? So please, please stay close to the father. Stay close to Jesus. Stay close to the Holy Spirit. And let them guide you in this life. Because as you go out, you’re going to stay at friends houses. And they’re not. Their house is not going to be a house of peace. And then you’re going to realize, I need to go home.

But my challenge to you is to make the place that you’re at your home. You change the atmosphere. You carry the presence of Jesus with you, and you have the power to change places simply because you’re there.

Declare the word in Scripture. Meditate on the word as you’re falling asleep at night. Repeat Scripture in your mind. Put the face of Jesus in your mind. If you’re if you’re creative, right brain, imagine that Jesus is in front of you and talk to him. Tell him how you love him and just surround yourself in the glory of God.

And if you’re left brain, or even if you’re autistic, you can hear God. He’s going to talk to you differently than who’s going to talk to me or to someone else. But you can hear God, and I promise you that he is real and he has a plan for you. So maybe there’s nothing wrong with you. Whoever you are, there is nothing wrong with you.

You have a hope and you have a future. And if you will cling to the promises of God and believe in his goodness and pursue him, he will pursue you. He will love you. He has given his son to die on the cross for you. You don’t need to waste a single minute of your life thinking that you’re okay.

Just kind of going along.

Please pursue him madly. You still got to go to work. You still got to be married. You still got to take care of your family. I’m not saying abandon any of those things because that’s a life from the enemy. God places those things in our life, and he uses them to mold us and to shape us and to bring us into glory.

So enjoy the adventure. Enjoy the adventure. Take one day at a time. Keep your eyes on today. Keep your eyes on God. Set your mind on things above. And walk the walk. Thank you. Bye bye.

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