As a homeschool family in Texas, you are considered a private school entity. The Texas Home School Coalition says this: “A home schooled student predominantly receives instruction in a general, elementary, or secondary education program that is provided by the parent, or a person standing in parental authority, in or through the child’s home [Texas […]
Elementary Grades you can estimate 1 hour per grade. So a third grade child can expect to take 3 hours per day of study. The K12, public school at home program, can average around 6-8 hours per day. Realistically, you can all expect to max out at 7 hours per day; because more is just […]
Multiple authors: Used With Permission Alpha Omega publications gives an excellent overview of some crucial questions to ask. *What kind of Homeschooling Method is right for you? *What is your teaching style and your child’s learning style and so forth? There is a world of information and curriculum out there for the Christian […]
Multiple Authors: Used With Permisson I frequently suggest three resources for beginning home schooling. The first is Diana Johnson’s The Starting Point. This booklet was produced by a local home schooling mom, who also works at The Scroll – Christian Bookstore in Tyler, TX. You can read some of the chapters on-line at The […]