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How Well Do You Know Your Bible


  • Hearing God
  • Making Decisions
  • Keeping The Fire of God Lit
  • Knowing Your Bible

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I hope this video challenges you a little bit, because today I want to ask you, how well do you know your Bible? And why should you? A lot of people think that reading their Bible is boring or that it doesn’t really hold much relevance to their life.

But let me tell you some examples. The first thing you need to know is that when you read your Bible, it tunes your spirit into God’s spirit, and it helps you hear his voice more clearly.

I once heard a young man ask a traveling speaker how he was supposed to hear the voice of God and to know what made your decision, what he should, what he should make. In particular, he was having to decide whether to move out of his parents house who were being abusive or whether he should stay put up with it until he got his feet on the ground financially better.

This is a big decision, especially for a young person, 16, 17 to make huge decision. How would you make that decision and why should you even have to be forced into that position? But many of you are. And while the speaker’s answer was accurate, it wasn’t quite complete. The answer that was given was you’ll just know if you’ve accepted Christ as your Savior, you’ll just know.

And that’s true, but not for everyone. Unless you’ve been reading the word when you read Scripture, the Holy Bible, and I don’t care if it’s King James, New American Standard or the Passion translation. If you were reading the written Word of God on a regular basis, then when it is time to make a major decision and you’ve prayed and asked the Lord about it, you’ll know you’ll just have a knowing in your spirit.

But if you have not been in the word and you have been filling your mind with the regular things of the world, doesn’t have to be bad things, doesn’t have to be gory music or horrendous, vulgar music. If you’ve just been going throughout life, working, watching regular movies, listening to regular music, drinking on your phone, my friend, you won’t know the voice of God because you haven’t trained your spirit to hear it.

So please, please start reading your Bible because you have some major decisions that are coming up in the next few years, in the next few days. And I don’t want you to miss the voice of God because you were unaware that reading the Bible would help you hear His voice more clearly. All right.

Some of you think you know your Bible pretty well and we all do that.

Everybody does that. How can you read the same 66 books? Whether you live to be 100 or whether you live to be 15. How can you read the same 66 books and it not become boring? All right. It’s very easy for it to become boring. But because the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two edged sword, it’s not just a book.

It’s not just ink on a page. The Holy Spirit breathes life into it. And that’s how one day you can read a passage and it means one thing to you and you can read it five years later and the very next phrase jumps out to you in a whole new way and illuminates the answer to the question that you’ve been asking.

Something that I do when if I’ve been reading the Bible and it becomes boring to me. Two things. One, I’ll change to a different translation so that I get a different perspective on it and that the words become fresh again. Two Because it is God breathed and our spirituality is based on a supernatural God. You ask him for the grace to be interested in again.

You ask him to give you a hunger and a thirst to read the word again, and he will now.

There are things that you do that cause the love for the word to fade away. And I want to tell you about those. If you tune your mind to the things of the world, the love for the word begins to just kind of become black and white and drift away and become dull.

If you begin to let things of witchcraft into your life. Things of rock music that glorify premarital sex, rock music that glorifies doing drugs or being drunk music, any kind of movie that does the same TV shows, any kind of TV show or book that glorify guys charms, spans, chance, spells, crystals, yoga, anything like that that sets itself up against the mind of God.

Then your love for Christ will fade away. I promise you. So if you want your love and your faith for the Creator, if to stay strong, if you want your faith to be vibrant, then you must forsake those things. It is what the Bible calls holiness and being sanctified. You’re setting yourself apart. God has set you apart. You are joining him in that in setting yourself apart to be holy.

And by doing that sacrifice, you find yourself being used by God, more loving God more and finding more joy in life. But the more you focus on the things of this world that the enemy offers, the more your love fades away.

So do you know your Bible? The Bible is a treasure hunt. There are the things that are plain on the surface that everyone can see. And then there are the things that God hides in His Word, because He wants you to come and dig for it. He doesn’t lay it all out there for everyone because he only wants those who are serious about knowing him to find those secrets.

What’s an example? Do you know your Bible? How many animals went into the ark? Two by two. Right. That’s what you were taught. Well, that’s a part truth, but it’s not a complete truth. Some of the animals went in into. Some of them went in in seven sets of twos. So there’s controversy. It’s not quite clear in the scrolls that have been found whether it means seven animals or seven sets of two.

But I guarantee you that 99% of you thought only two of each kind of animal went into the ark. Why? Because that became a cute, artistic, creative way to tell the story. Two little animals going in, two of these two of those cute little picture, very well-balanced, very, very well balanced in the image. It amazes me that people get so angry at series television series like The Chosen because they take creative and artistic license to fill in the story.

But then when you explain that the creators of the story of two by two did the same, when you explain that the creators of the Nativity scene did the same, Jesus was not an infant when the wise Men came. Jesus was at least 18 months old walking around starting to talk when the wise men came to bring their gifts.

So never let the demonic spirit of religion tell you in your mind that people who take creative and artistic license to tell the gospel are evil because they’re not. They’re taking God’s creativity to tell his story.

All right. That’s a pretty simple, but that’s a pretty obvious one that anyone can find when you’re talking about Noah’s Ark and how many animals went in, how many pairs of animals went in. All right. Let me ask you another question.

Where in the Bible is there a female deacon? You’ve only found that one. If you have really started to study scripture for yourself and you have started studying Scripture in the original languages, because there’s at least one that’s mentioned as a deacon and the word in English was changed. And then there might be another one, but it doesn’t quite use the deacon in the same way.

But it does clearly specify that this lady was a leader in the Christian church.

Now that opens up a whole other discussion and a whole other slew of questions. I hope, in your mind about the role of women in the church. But you will only find it when you start studying the scriptures for yourself and the original languages.

So how well do you know your Bible? How boring is this book? It’s only boring if you’re taking it at face value and you’re listening to the stories that you’ve been told by well-meaning adults in Sunday school who were trying to convey complex stories to children. But if you stop there and you bail out on the scriptures because you think you know everything there is to know, then my friend, you are missing an adventure.

So I challenge you to study the scriptures for yourself, to tear open the word and ask God to open your mind, to understand the secrets that He has placed in there. For those who truly want to know him.