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Will God Protect You When You Get Involved?

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I’ve talked to you before about paying attention and getting involved in a situation to save someone’s life. And one day I was driving down the street at just a few blocks from my house in Tyler, Texas. And there was a car parked in the middle of the road. So I go around thinking that they’re having car trouble, a flat or something.

And I see that a woman has gotten out on the passenger side, and she’s holding her mouth like she had just been punched. And the look on her face was shock and horror. And at that same moment that I was even with the vehicle, a guy gets out of the car and his shirt is unbuttoned and he is getting ready to storm towards the woman.

The impression that I got was that they had been in the midst of a, intimate encounter while driving down the street, and it had gone awry. And he was he had punched her. Then he was angry because she gets out to leave. I go and I make the block because I’m not stupid, right? I’m not going to get involved right there.

So I go and I make the block. And where I was able to come back, there was this huge, embankment that a house was built on. And so in my tiny little car, I was able to kind of peek around the embankment at towards their vehicle. But I saw that they had already moved, moved on. And so I drive quickly, behind them trying to get the license plate.

and I’m not sure what’s going on. I’m just watching at this point. Well, when he comes to the red light, she opens the door to get out, and he accelerates through the intersection, to force her door closed and keep her in the vehicle. By that point, my my, my my phone was on nine one. Ready? And then when I saw that, I punched the one in the call button.

As it’s connecting, he’s going through traffic. Brisk but normal. So I’m going through traffic. Brisk, but hiding behind other cars. I’m always keeping a car between us. because again, I don’t want to be stupid, but I’m not going to let a woman be assaulted on my watch. And so we get up to the red light, a red light in front of a popular park.

And at that exact moment, the 9 call connects. And of course, they ask me, you know, police or fire? I say police. And I read out the license plate as I’m driving past the vehicle and give them a description of the make and model. And that’s the end of the call. An hour or two later, they call me back.

The police call me back and ask if I would be willing to give a statement. And I said, of course I would be willing to give a statement, for I would like it to be anonymous if at all possible. And they said, yes, it can be anonymous. And so what had happened was because of my phone call, the all points bulletin went out.

They found the vehicle, but it was already outside the city limits. And but because of my call, they stopped the vehicle and they were able to rescue the woman. Get her out of the car. by then, he had punched her. She. They said she was missing teeth, that she was black and blue all over. And that I had saved her life. and this is from the police.

I don’t tell you that. To glorify myself. Again, it’s one of those situations that you just get into. You don’t think you just act, but my encouragement to you is always get the license plate and pay attention, because most of the time people don’t get involved because they don’t believe what they’re looking at. Again, in our sex trafficking training, we were taught what to look for.

If you were in a restaurant and you see an older, man at ten years older than the girl that he’s with is the average age. So if she’s 14, he might be 24. If she’s 15 or 19, he might be 29. But basically you’re looking for a couple that does not belong together. And they typically a sex trafficker typically will pay in cash and he will pull out a large roll of cash to impress her.

Look, I’ve got all this cash, I’m buying you all these gifts. And if you come with me, this is the lifestyle I’ll provide for you. Of course it’s all a lie. But if you are in a restaurant and you see a situation like that, the young woman looks uncomfortable. Something is just not right. Then as they leave the restaurant, get the license plate number and report it.

You could report it to the police, or you could report it to the National Trafficking Hotline, or both. Especially depending on where you live, the police might not have the resources to get involved. but at least with the National Trafficking Hotline, they might they might could reach out. But you have done your part. You have reported what you have seen, and you might save a life, too.

Thank you.


National Trafficking Hotline

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