Warring For Your Prophetic Promise
The world has been waiting a long time for their prophetic promises to come true.
We’ve been waiting a long time. Mike was just sharing a story about a prayer last night, and I’d just like him to recapture that for you guys.
As we were going to bed around 10:00 at night, I’m laying in bed and I’m thinking, Lord, you know, we hear in prayer that you’re going to do things. You’re amazing.
You know, your scripture tells us that you come through, that your promises, of course, are going to happen. And, you know, and I hope this doesn’t sound like it’s a lack of faith, but I laid in bed last night as I went to sleep thinking, Lord, I’m asking you for some real action, some real progress, like something really happens.
Not prophetic words, not oh, God’s going to come through. But , Lord, something needs to happen. We need to see, move and go ahead of us. I prayed that specifically. We asked. I ask that you go ahead of us and really set things in motion and show us and let this be an example that that it’s not just someday, like it’s really happening.
And so for those of us that are clinging on to promises from the Lord, I really feel strongly that this is this season. And if you feel stirring, probably there for a good reason and so 10:00 last night, he came this morning and that’s when our first creative miracle happened.
I think it’s good that you did that because you know the scripture is full of stories like the widow before the judge. She just kept annoying the judge to give her what she needed to do his job. Right. We don’t have to annoy God. I think the moral of that story is that God likes people who pursue with abandon what they need and what they want. And when we get prophetic words, they don’t just automatically come true.
If we sit back and do nothing, you have to war for them in prayer. They’re seeds. You cultivate into them, you pray into them, and and then God, in his timing brings things together. And so our prayer for you is that this is a season of God’s timing of congruence, where God’s timing and your prayers and the prayers of all those that came before you are coming in and to bear fruit.
Absolutely. Persistence without abandoning it in despair. That’s big right now. Don’t give up. Don’t give up on your prophetic promises. Keep knocking on the door of heaven and saying, God. You said this is mine, God. You said this is mine. Make me ready. Get the barriers out of the way. I am ready. I say, Yes.
I agree with you, Father, and call them into being because God said so. Absolutely. Thanks friends.