
Finding The Will of God


  • Is God Sovereign? What Does That Look Like?
  • The Joy Killer of Thinking You-Missed-It
  • Finding God’s Will In Your Decisions

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Welcome back.
I would say that the biggest joy killer I’ve experienced in my life is the thought that I’ve missed it, that I’ve missed the will of God. And it did not matter whether I was 18, 25, 35, 47. That lie has stayed with me throughout the years. And let me tell you what that looks like. It looks like that you make a decision when you come out of high school which college you’re going to go to.

And unless God has spoken and told you directly, you always second guess that it was the right decision. Then when it comes time to accept your first job, you’re always wondering, was the grass greener on the other side of the fence? Is this job going to take me down the path that I want? Then when you get married, you lay awake at night, afraid that it’s the wrong person, that you are choosing unwisely.

Hear me say there are some bad decisions you can make, but they typically are pretty obvious. If you are making a decision while you’re drunk, it’s probably a bad decision. If you are making a decision based on fear, fear that you’re not pretty enough. Fear that no one will love you. Fear that nothing better will come along. Then you’re shortchanging yourself.

That said, I can promise you that God is sovereign now. When I grew up, we talked a lot about the sovereignty of God and it was always a head knowledge for me. But obviously it never made it to my heart. Because to say that God is sovereign means that He controls everything.

We have free will and God does not interrupt our free will. That’s why you see people being molested, children being molested, because God allows us to make free will. But here’s the difference.

If God is truly sovereign, then that means he has the ability to correct any mistake that we as humans can make.

Here’s the difference between a child molesters free will. That obviously is the wrong decision and your free will being a right or wrong decision. If you have prayed about it beforehand, if you have asked God of the universe to direct your path and you have listened for an answer, you have been obedient to anything that you heard, sensed, thought, knew, or that he confirmed.

He put those signs in your path, then you’re be on the right path. And if you make a mistake from that position of humility and asking, then he’s going to redeem it. And you do not need to be afraid.

I believe you have choices in this life. There are many things that are in God’s permissive will. And for those things that I don’t believe that he answers. But if he has a specific destiny for you, a specific calling, and you ask him that question, he will answer. He will direct and he will guide. It looks different to different people and different seasons in their life, but I promise you he will redeem it.

And even if, God forbid, you should make a mistake so heinous as to become a child molester, sovereign God of the universe will redeem it somewhere down that line. If you never yield, if you never ask for forgiveness, he will pursue and redeem your children and your children’s children.

But I do ask you don’t make that mistake. Don’t open the doorway to things like pornography and addiction that take you down a path that puts you in a place of destruction.

Instead, take your heartbreak, take your sorrow, take the wounds of this life and take them before Father God and ask Him to heal them. Ask him to give you a way out and fight. Fight for your future. Fight for your children’s future. Even if you’re at an age you can’t fathom ever wanting children. You don’t need to want children until it’s time.

And God can give you that ability. If it is his will for you. So let that pressure go. Get before Father God as often as you can each week. Read the Scripture so that you can tune your spirit to his frequency, just like a radio, and hear his voice. When you ask him those questions, you cannot make a mistake that he cannot redeem.

So don’t worry about it. But focus one day at a time. Make plans for the future as you need to make plans for the future and trust and obey anything that you hear him tell you to do.

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